How to enable TLS 1.2 in various versions of Windows - TLS 1.2

How to enable TLS 1.2 in various versions of Windows

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a replacement of the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL). It provides secure communications on the internet. It is used for web browsers and other applications that require data to be securely exchanged over a network such as an email, file transfers, VPN connection, and voice over IP.

HMRC have stopped supporting older security methods of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 which were built into Microsoft Windows operating systems.

As we have mentioned in the FAQ for Requested security protocol is not supported.

How to enable TLS 1.2 in Windows 7

Step to enable TLS 1.2 in Google Chrome

(Instructions based on Google Chrome version 90.0.4480.85)

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Press Alt + F and select Settings

  3. Andica windows7 tls chrome settings

  4. Select the Advanced tab

  5. Andica windows7 tls chrome setting advanced

  6. Select the System category

  7. Andica windows7 tls chrome setting system

  8. Select Open your computer's proxy settings

  9. Andica windows7 tls chrome setting proxy

  10. Select Advanced tab

  11. Andica windows7 tls chrome setting advanced tab

  12. Scroll down to Security category and tick the box for Use TLS 1.2

  13. Andica windows7 tls chrome setting security

  14. Click OK
  15. Close your browser and restart Google Chrome

Step to enable TLS 1.2 in Internet Explorer Version 11

(TLS 1.2 is not supported on older versions)

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on Tools menu

  3. Andica tls internet explorer setting tools

  4. Select Internet options

  5. Andica tls internet explorer setting internet options

  6. Select the Advanced tab

  7. Andica tls internet explorer setting advanced

  8. Scroll down to Security category and tick the box for Use TLS 1.2

  9. Andica tls internet explorer setting security

  10. Click OK
  11. Close your browser and restart Internet Explorer

Step to enable TLS 1.2 in Mozilla Firefox

(Instructions based on Firefox version 88.0 )

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox
  2. In the address bar, type about:config and press Enter

  3. andica windows tls firefox setting about config

  4. Click on Accept the Risk and Continue button

  5. Andica windows tls firefox setting accept the risk

  6. In the Search field, enter tls .

  7. Andica windows tls firefox setting search

  8. Find and double-click the entry for security.tls.version.min
  9. Set the integer value to 2 to force protocol of TLS 1.2

  10. andica windows tls firefox setting enter-security.tls.version.min

  11. Click OK
  12. Close your browser and restart Mozilla Firefox

How to enable TLS 1.2 in Windows 8 and Windows 10

Step to enable TLS 1.2 in Google Chrome

(Instructions based on Google Chrome version 90.0.4480.85)

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Press Alt + F and select Settings

  3. Andica windows10 tls chrome setting

  4. Select the Advanced tab

  5. Andica windows10 tls chrome setting advanced

  6. Scroll down to the System section

  7. Andica windows10 tls chrome setting system

  8. Select Open your computer's proxy settings

  9. Andica windows10 tls chrome setting proxy

  10. Select Internet options

  11. Andica windows10 tls chrome setting internet option

  12. Select Advanced tab

  13. Andica windows10 tls chrome setting advanced tab

  14. Scroll down to Security category and tick the box for Use TLS 1.2

  15. Andica windows10 tls chrome setting Use TLS 1.2

  16. Click OK
  17. Close your browser and restart Google Chrome

Step to enable TLS 1.2 in Internet Explorer Version 11

(TLS 1.2 is not supported on older versions)

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on Tools menu

  3. Andica tls internet explorer setting tools

  4. Select Internet options

  5. Andica tls internet explorer setting internet options

  6. Select the Advanced tab

  7. Andica tls internet explorer setting advanced

  8. Scroll down to Security category and tick the box for Use TLS 1.2

  9. Andica tls internet explorer settingUse TLS 1.2

  10. Click OK
  11. Close your browser and restart Internet Explorer

Step to enable TLS 1.2 in Mozilla Firefox

(Instructions based on Firefox version 88.0)

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox
  2. In the address bar, type about:config and press Enter

  3. Andica windows tls firefox setting about config

  4. Click on Accept the Risk and Continue button

  5. Andica windows tls firefox setting accept the risk

  6. In the Search field, enter tls

  7. Andica windows tls firefox setting search

  8. Find and double-click the entry for security.tls.version.min
  9. Set the integer value to 2 to force protocol of TLS 1.2

  10. andica windows tls firefox setting enter security

  11. Click OK
  12. Close your browser and restart Mozilla Firefox

Step to enable TLS 1.2 in Microsoft Edge

(Instructions based on Microsoft Edge version Version 90.0.818.46)

  1. Open Microsoft Edge
  2. Click on Settings

  3. Andica windows10 tls microsoft edge settings

  4. Click on System

  5. Andica windows10 tls microsoft edge System

  6. Click on Open your computer's proxy settings

  7. Andica windows10 tls microsoft edge proxy settings

  8. In the search bar, type Internet options and press Enter

  9. Andica windows10 tls microsoft edge internet options related

  10. Select the Advanced tab

  11. andica windows10 tls microsoft edge advanced tab

  12. Scroll down to Security category and tick the box for Use TLS 1.2

  13. andica windows10 tls microsoft edge Use TLS 1.2

  14. Click OK
  15. Close your browser and restart Microsoft Edge