Customers wanting to purchase additional licenses to process VAT returns for more Businesses can do so with one of the following options:
To increase number of Businesses to the existing licence and version of MTD VAT Excel Bridging Software to a higher number of Businesses and use it on the computer where the current version of the software is installed, you can place an online order for 5 or higher Business licence - for the same version as the current installation - at download price but do not download and install the software . Do not purchase a 1 Business licence as it cannot be used to upgrade your existing licence. The annual licence expiry date is retained as per the original licence.
Log into the existing software, from the top menu select 'Tools' - 'Upgrade' - 'Increase record count' and use the new activation key provided on the order confirmation web page and automated order confirmation email to convert your existing license to higher Businesses licence.
Just to clear any doubts, existing licence expiry date is not extended with the purchase of additional Businesses licence. The original software purchase is not refunded and once upgraded, the old activation key cannot be reused.
Examples for 'Option 1' upgrade:
Where you have an existing 1 record licence and you purchase a 5 (or 25, etc.) records licence to increase your record count, your licence will be upgraded to a total of 5 records (or 25, etc.).
Where you have an existing 5 record licence and you purchase another 5 records licence, your existing licence will be upgraded to total of 10 records.
Where you have an existing 25 record licence and you purchase another 5 records licence, your existing licence will be upgraded to total of 30 records.
For customers whose annual licence is due to expire soon, we would recommend you wait for the new version release and purchase a licence for the appropriate number of Businesses at that time or consider option 2 below.
If you have another computer where you have not installed MTD VAT software previously, purchase software for the appropriate number of Businesses licence and download and install it on that computer. The annual licence expiry date for the new order on this computer will be from the date of purchase of this licence.
Customers should Contact us with queries if there is any doubt.
With the exceptions as explained above, the software is supplied on an annual licence basis. Annual licence is granted for use of software for a year effective from the date of purchase. Licence is granted for use of a specific version of the software and a new licence should be purchased for each version. In case of version upgrade, annual licence of the new version will supersede the earlier version. Software licence expires at the end of the term and the software with all its functions will be deactivated unless the licence has been renewed.
Important: Software is supplied subject to (a) our Terms and Conditions published on our Legal web page and as displayed at the time of purchase and (b) Software Licence Agreement which is displayed at the time of installation.