Andica MTD VAT software is supplied on an annual licence basis and is for specific version of the software. This is subject to relevant software licensing terms .
A software licence expiry message will be displayed during the last 30 days of the software licence.
Where a new version is available, it may be beneficial to purchase a new version rather than extending licence for the existing older version.
Extending licence for an existing software enables continued access and usage of that version of the software for a further year or until a new version has been purchased, installed and activated on top of the existing software as described on ' MTD VAT Customers Upgrading - Version Upgrade' .
To extend licence of an existing version, you must purchase a new licence for a like-for-like or higher number of businesses for the same version currently installed. You should place an order online to obtain a new activation key to extend the licence.
If software has expired, click OK on the licence expiry message and enter the key, or,
If software has not expired and is accessible, log into the software and select 'Tools' → 'Upgrade' → 'Extend subscription'
Businesses' record count (number of businesses licensed) or submission counts (number of submissions) are not increased with the licence renewal. Existing submission count is retained when subscription is extended.
Andica MTD VAT software is supplied on an annual licence basis. Annual licence is granted for use of software for a year effective from the date of purchase. Licence is granted for use of a specific version of the software and a new licence should be purchased for each version. In case of version upgrade, annual licence of the new version will supersede the earlier version. Software licence expires at the end of the term and the software with all its functions will be deactivated unless the licence has been renewed.
Important: Software is supplied subject to (a) our Terms and Conditions published on our Legal web page and as displayed at the time of purchase and (b) Software Licence Agreement which is displayed at the time of installation.