Error 1925 You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation

Error 1925 You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation


When attempting to install any software on Windows, including Andica Software, Windows Installer MSI may display a message:

Error 1925. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation.


This is a Windows Installer error message which just happens to get picked up during installation of a Windows based software, in this case Andica software. This is not caused by Andica Software.

The most likely causes for Windows to display this Windows message are:

  1. The downloaded installation file by be blocked by Windows under the EXE files 'Properties' - Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer.
  2. Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled and preventing installation. Run the installer EXE using administrator rights.
  3. Windows Administrative Rights Windows has restricted your Windows Login User name access to install software or make changes to your computer. Change your Windows access rights. To unlock the file, right click on the Executable file and select properties. Under the General Tab, click the "Unblock" button if it is an available option.


This Microsoft Installer message box provides clear indication of what the issue is.
Following information suggestions may help:
  1. Right click on the downloaded installation file and select 'Properties' - 'General' Tab Click 'Unblock' button if it is available for 'Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer.
  2. Disable User Account Control (UAC): Disable User Control in Windows by changing the settings to 'Never notify'. Instructions on how to do this:
  3. Run the download EXE as an Administrator Right-click on the file you downloaded and select Run As Administrator. How to run a program as an administrator
  4. Check your Windows login User Name has Windows Administrator access rights. If not, then assign Administrator rights. How to determine your user account type in Windows
  5. Even though you are logged on as an Administrator, by Microsoft's design, Administrators run with Standard User privileges.

A System Engineer with knowledge of Windows OS may be able to suggest other configurations on the computer where the software is being installed.

Disclaimer: Information provided here is given without any obligations and we will not accept any claims or liabilities for any damages as a result of you relying on the information given here, if in doubt you must consult a qualified system engineer. Any web links provided to third party website are for your reference, we do not have any control on the validity and content on those websites. We do not take any responsibility for you using or relying on them. Copyright to contents remains with the owner of that website.